2015 Year in Review!

2015 // This year kicked my ass and blew my mind. Exceeded all my expectations, hopes, and dreams. The year I got married and the year I took my lil biz to the next level. If you follow me on social media, you've probably already picked up on how hard my year was i n a lot of ways. Tons of growing pains. I took on too much too fast, charged too little, worked too many hours, and ended the year feeling pretty burnt out and confused. 2015 was the year I focused on growth and growth at all costs, and neglected to take care of myself like I should have or invested in my relationships. My theme of 2016 is Refinement. Discipline. Balance. Refining my brand and refining how I run a business. Remembering to take care of myself first, and as a result be able to take care of my clients better. Learning to set boundaries for myself and invest in myself and in my relationships, and as I result I believe I will be a better artist and a better business-person with a clearer mind. 

2015 was more than I ever dreamt it would be.  I started the year just hoping to get out and shoot more, and by the end of the year I had delivered 137 client galleries (holy smokes). I began a partnership with a blogger/stylist Allison Wagner of West Coast Aesthetic. The collaboration shoots we have done together have been some of my favorite work and really filled me up as an artist. She helped me in a rebrand of my business/logo/website, and really brought my vision to life and gave my little business personality. I launched my boudoir bash events, which has been received so well and has been a much larger success than I ever imagined. I had a busy and full wedding season and met with so many couples I am so excited to work with in 2016. 

There's so much to look forward to in 2016 I am bursting at the seams. 4 boudoir bashes, almost 30 weddings, attending a photography workshop/retreat in Austin in April, my first traveling wedding, and much much much MUCH more time spent on myself and relaxing and recharging. 2016 is going to be a good one y'all!

It was so hard to go through tens of thousands of images from the year and select my favorites to go into one post. But, here it is. Enjoy my highlights from 2015! 
